Posted in 印度菜 (Indian Cuisine)

巴基斯坦奶茶/印度奶茶/馬來西亞拉茶 (Chai Tea/Masala Tea/Teh Tarik)


香料奶茶源於巴基斯坦,後來傳入印度及其他東南亞地方,原本是用印度特有的一種紅茶 (Assam Tea), 但後來給英式印度紅茶或錫蘭紅茶取替。

Chai Tea originally comes from Persian, then spread over India and other South East Asia countries.  The original base tea is Assam Tea which comes from India,  but now Britain India or Ceylon Tea is commonly used.


由於香料奶茶是用幾種不同香料連紅茶一起煮,所以亦對身體很有益處,例如 :可以抗抑鬱、通血管、減低癌症風險、幫助消化等等作用。

Since herbs tea is cooked with different kind of spices, so it’s good for our health, such as Anti inflammatory, Fights cold and flu, improves digestion, Beat The Fatigue, Reduction in cancer risk, etc.



Since every family have their own taste of tea, so this is just my own taste of recipe too, also there’s no measurement, please taste your own one.


材料 (Ingredients):



綠豆蒄 (Green Cardamon)

丁香 (Gloves)

桂皮/肉桂 (Cinnamon)

薑粉 (Dry gringer)

肉豆蒄 (Nutmeg)

黑胡椒 (Black peppercorn)

紅茶 (Black Tea)

牛奶 (Milk)

糖 (sugar)

茴香籽 (Fennel seeds) [Optional]



做法 (Method):

1. 先把綠豆蒄開邊、桂皮及肉豆蒄磨成粉 (如果讀者用現成粉,可以刪減這步驟)
Cut the Green Cardamon in half, grind Cinnamon and Nugmeg into powder (If you are already have spices powder, please skip this step)


2. 準備一個小鍋,加入水 (比例為1杯奶茶用1杯去煲) 及香料
Prepare a small pot, pour water (if you cook 1 tea cup, then use 1.25 tea cup of water) and all spices


3. 用中大火煲大約5分鐘或至香料及紅茶出味 (小心滾瀉,太滾可轉細火一會)
Set the fire to medium to high and boil for 5 minutes or until you can smell the taste of spices and tea (Becareful, tea will cook out of pot easily), if so, please turn the heat to low for a while



4. 加入牛奶再煮一會,最後加糖,試味好就完成
Then add milk and boil again for a while, add sugar until all sugar melted, then taste it


5. 把茶隔放在茶杯上,慢慢地倒入茶杯內,待一會涼了點就可品嚐。
If taste is suitable for you, then put the tea sieve on the tea cup and pour the chai tea in, let it cool down a bit and enjoy.



溫馨提示 (Tips) :

1. 如果有香料粉也可用,但香味會比較少。
 You can also use spices powder, but of course, the taste not as good as whole spices

2. 怕煲完清理麻煩,可以先把茶葉及香料放入茶袋內煲
 If you don't want to messy up when washing, you can also put tea leaves and all spices into a tea bag for boiling.

3. 可以用煉奶代替牛奶及糖,那就不用加入煲內,只需要把煉奶先倒入杯內就可以了。
You can also use condensed milk instead of whole milk and sugar, if so, just add condensed milk in the mug and pour the tea in.



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